The city will be enhancing electric service reliability by replacing underground electric cable in Geneva starting in March.
The 2023-24 underground electric replacement program areas include Geneva Drive (from Manchester Course’s east entrance to Kirk Road) and South Third Street (including James and Fourth streets) in downtown Geneva. Scheduled power outages will be required as part of the project, according to a news release from the city.
The city will be sending out notifications in advance of any service disruption. Construction should be substantially completed by Friday, Nov. 1. Landscape restoration will be finished by the end of November, weather permitting, according to the release.
Utility locates will begin Monday, March 4 on Geneva Drive with construction getting underway the following week. The city’s contractor, Meade Electric, will be directionally boring new conduit through utility easements and then pulling electric cable through the conduit, according to the release.
Meade Electric’s operations on South Third Street are scheduled to start the week of March 11 and continue on an intermittent basis until November on Third Street, according to the release. Boring will not be necessary in the downtown.
Crews will remove the old electric cable and install the new cable into the existing conduit. Temporary sidewalk and parking space closures will be required when crews are present, according to the city.
In addition to this underground work, the city will be replacing an electric pole at 215 James St. as part of the project, according to the release.
Project maps and additional information can be found on the city’s website at Questions can be directed to Jennifer Hilkemann, the City’s Electric Division Manager of Distribution, Construction & Maintenance, by calling 630-232-1503 or sending an email to