10 single-family, Spring Valley homes may get upgrades as city to seek $650,000 grant

100% of the grant must go to low to moderate income housing

Spring Valley City Hall

Spring Valley is seeking up to $650,000 in grant funds to be used to maintain 10 single-family homes, of which 100% must go to low to moderate income housing.

The Spring Valley City Council, prior to its regular meeting on Tuesday, conducted a public hearing regarding its application for Community Development Assistance Program block grants that could help citizens better improve their homes.

And quite a few people turned out to inquire.

Kevin Lindeman of the North Central Illinois Council of Governments, the body creating the application for the city, shared some of the details of the program with the council and a sizable crowd, most of whom took part in an NCICG survey to determine the low to moderate income level of the community. He then fielded their questions and concerns.

He said $7 million is being allotted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for this round of competitive grants issued through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

The city itself would contribute $20,000 out of its general fund to use for those projects.

Each of those homes – substandard by city housing codes and owned by those meeting income and need requirements – would receive structural rehabilitation and repair at no cost to the homeowner.

The deadline for completion and submission of the grant is Dec. 4. The council approved moving forward with the application.

In other action, the council:

  • reviewed and approved the design of what will be a concession stand and restroom building located in the downtown mini park.
  • approved the permit for the Hall homecoming parade, with the proviso that it make a turn on Power Street.
  • approved a right-of-way agreement for Geneseo Communications, one of the applicants to be the city’s cable/internet providers.
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