Law firms certainly don’t go broke doing this business. Property tax lawyers go to the mat for private clients against Chicago City Hall and taxing bodies across the state.
In politics, desert has become a useful noun, while adjectives help tell the story.
Titled “2024 Illinois’ National Rankings,” the 70-page document compares our state to the rest of the country in 23 categories covering tax rates and revenues, government spending and employment trends.
The Illinois legislature’s Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability recently released an eye-popping actuarial analysis of a union-backed pension reform plan.
As Los Angeles burned for days on end, scientists made an announcement that 2024 was the hottest year on record
Sitting in a lake house made up of glass windows surrounded by tall, bare trees and flurries of snow, I felt like I was inside a snow globe
Where did January go? Here we are, the last weekend of the month. So much has happened already. With another week to go, it is scary to think what else could happen. And what else we could needlessly worry about
When the Manteno fire whistle sounded in the late afternoon of Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1951, volunteer firefighter Paul Maisonneuve was donating a pint of blood at the Red Cross blood bank