
Rettke: As summer events return, remember the Daily Chronicle’s Community Calendar

Submit events online for inclusion in our digital, print calendar of events around DeKalb County

I think it’s safe to say many seem to be settling with apparent ease back into the ‘norms’ of summer in DeKalb County, a somewhat jarring juxtaposition to where we were this time last year.

In two weeks, I’ll be off to Missouri to visit my family whom I haven’t seen in a year and a half. I’m already planning meals to cook for my parents, things to do with my siblings, books to read. It feels strange and surreal. And I feel extraordinarily blessed.

In DeKalb County, farmers markets opened up this week, local graduates walked across the stage for their diplomas, preparing for college or the work life, and the weather has warmed. I find myself getting excited at the thought of venturing out to eat for the first time in ages. (I know some of you have been doing this already--good for you!)

This week, Gov. JB Pritzker announced official plans for the reopening of the state, set for June 11. It’s happening. We’re here.

A small disclaimer, if I may, with a mind to extend some loving kindness to those who’ve lost more than they will ever get back during this pandemic, whether life or loved one or livelihood. Let’s remember to be gentle and gracious, as we return with fervor to a life longed for prior to this pandemic. Let’s be respectful of the reality that not everyone can (or wants to) return to a normal that existed before. (And remember to get vaccinated if you can.)

On a lighter note, a point I’d like to emphasize for our readers as we here at the Daily Chronicle try ourselves to settle back into a less chaotic newsroom: Events are returning. And with that, comes the return of our Community Calendar.

For those who don’t know, our Community Calendar is a one-stop-shop for the comings and goings of DeKalb County. It’s not limited to the summer months, though it’s frequently filled in line with the warmer weather, or as holidays approach.

This is a great way to keep updated on things happening in your community, whether you live in DeKalb, Shabbona, Sycamore, Genoa or Cortland, to name a few. There are always family-friendly events, things to do with the kiddos, with just the adults, entertainment, places to go for meals, activities and everything in between.

One of the things we’ve just unveiled this week as a way to help our local event organizers and businesses reopen is a weekly ‘5 things to do in DeKalb County’ list. This will go in the News section of our Thursday print papers (and at on Thursdays, too) and feature an assortment of things you can look forward to that coming weekend or week ahead.

This list will be something you’ll be able to rely upon every week, and hopefully help guide you as you and your family make decisions on what to do on your days off.

There’s also our full Community Calendar which you can view on our website or in the Lifestyle section on Thursdays in the print edition (it was on page 21 this week for our print readers).

As we reopen, we want to make sure we’re not missing any of these events you all work hard to plan, and we’ll likely pull from the calendar each week for inclusion in our ‘5 things to do’ list, so be sure to get your event submitted.

To submit an event for inclusion in the calendar (at no fee for a general submission), please go to

Who knows, maybe we’ll run into each other in the days ahead. Be safe and have fun. Lord knows we could all use some of that.

Kelsey Rettke

Kelsey Rettke

Kelsey Rettke is the editor of the Daily Chronicle, part of Shaw Media and DeKalb County's only daily newspaper devoted to local news, crime and courts, government, business, sports and community coverage. Kelsey also covers breaking news for Shaw Media Local News Network.