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SYCAMORE – Sycamore School District 427 Board candidates this week shared their thoughts on diversity, equity and inclusion programs during a candidates forum hosted by Shaw Local News Network.
Five candidates seek four four-year terms on the board, although only one seat is a contested race. Only two candidates can be elected from each township listed on the ballot. Running for two Sycamore Township seats on the board are incumbent Michael DeVito, incumbent Eric Jones and newcomer Cole Regnery. DeVito and Regnery participated in the candidates forum, while Jones declined the invitation.
Running to represent Cortland Township on the school board are Heather Tomlinson and incumbent Alan Zantout. Running uncontested to fill a two-year unexpired term is Christian Copple. Zantout did not respond to an invitation.
Those who did participate in the forum were not provided the questions in advance.
During the forum, candidates were asked whether they support initiatives and programs in Sycamore schools centered on diversity, equity and inclusion. Responses are listed in alphabetical order.
“That level of individual programming, I can say with certainty as a board member, I’ve never been involved in. I would categorize the curriculum choices that are offered at the school district to be at the managerial level. And so, from a governance standpoint, I’ve been looking to, with teaching and learning, bring back the textbook approval process – instructional and curricular materials being put on public display for community input and community feedback.
“For me to say that I’ve been involved in picking what gets taught in the schools or how it gets taught in the schools is challenging on a number of levels only because I don’t know that that level of specificity is ever something that a board member should be involved in. [...] So, what I would like to see more of is that these curriculum choices, and their respective efficacy in terms of learning outcomes and student achievement as it relates to what ties to the evidence-based funding model, have reported efficacy to the community.
“And if those programs encompass, like what Cole [Regnery] said, like Martin Luther King, or if those programs are tied specifically, like to what Heather [Tomlinson] said, to individualized education plans, I trust our educators and the experts at hand to curate that curriculum. [...] And a good example of that is our Bridges program. It’s been a two-year-long pilot that we’re going to be approving as a board on April 22. [...] As board president, I want to keep the conversation related to student achievements and what’s working and what’s not. And nothing, as far as I’m concerned, at a national level ... should really influence that student advocacy piece. It needs to be data-driven.”
“I grew up in Sycamore schools. I learned a lot in Sycamore schools. I feel blessed to have gone through them. I think they do an excellent job. I remember learning about Martin Luther King Jr. in the third grade in Mrs. Mangeris’s class, and I thought that was very formative and important, and I want to make sure we give our students access to a quality education that involves, you know, the story of America.
“So yeah, I mean, I’d support programs that, you know, discuss Martin Luther King Jr. just the same that I got. You know, we get 7% of our funding from the federal government, and so we have to make sure that we are in line with, you know, requisite federal programs as they come out, and make sure we’re following the law. Yeah, I think diversity is a good thing and, again, was happy to have gone through Sycamore schools and felt like I learned a lot about it when I was there.”
“Well, I believe that this also includes 504s and IEPs. Correct me if I’m wrong, but a lot of our children have 504s and IEPs, and I think that it is extremely important, and I don’t see why we would change things now.
“We do, obviously, as Cole [Regnery] said, have to go in line with the federal funding to keep our schools supported. So, you know, it’s a very important thing to keep on the table right now, and I feel like we should push through this as long as we possibly can.”