Meet the candidates running for DeKalb Township supervisor

Incumbent Mary Hess faces off against DeKalb County Board member, former township Trustee Jim Luebke

DeKalb Township Supervisor Mary Hess (left) and challenger Jim Luebke, a former DeKalb Township Trustee and current DeKalb County Board member, make their pitches to prospective voters during a candidates forum on March 9, 2025, at the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak St.

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DeKALB – DeKalb Township voters have a choice between incumbent Mary Hess and challenger Jim Luebke for the office of township supervisor this election.

Each candidate was invited to fill out a Shaw Local News Network questionnaire for the Daily Chronicle. Some of their responses have been edited for length only for print. To read more about their platform or their responses in full, visit our Election Central webpage. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

Mary Hess

Bio and priorities

If reelected, Hess, 53, who’s also previously served on the DeKalb School District 428 Board, said she’d prioritize plans to expand public services and community events; enhance cemetery operations to increase plot sales, generate revenue and upkeep; and establish an employment training program to strengthen workforce development specifically designed for financial assistance recipients.

How will you ensure township policies promote inclusion for all residents?

“During my first term, I have prioritized inclusivity through several key initiatives:

  • Improving public transportation access: Partner with the city of DeKalb to establish a bus stop at our building, eliminating the need for residents relying on public transportation to walk along a state highway from a distant stop.
  • Enhancing financial assistance: Restructure financial assistance programs to simplify the application process and better align support levels with today’s cost of living.
  • Expanding language accessibility: Add a bilingual employee to our staff, convert our website to a multilingual platform, and create township literature in both English and Spanish.
  • Supporting individuals with disabilities: Contract with local American sign language providers to assist individuals with hearing impairments.
  • Broadening public services and events: Expand the range of free public services and special events to ensure the township provides valuable opportunities for residents of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Increasing government transparency: Record and air monthly board meetings, making them accessible for viewing on YouTube.
  • Strengthening community outreach: Regularly set up township information tables at social service agencies to connect with residents who have various needs.

My team and I remain committed to monitoring the accessibility and inclusivity of our services and making necessary adjustments to effectively serve our residents."

What is your stance on township consolidation as a means of reducing redundancy in local government?

“Township consolidation and potential elimination remain ongoing topics of discussion in Springfield, as they have been in the past. As the largest and most active township in DeKalb County, we fulfill essential, unduplicated responsibilities:

  • State law mandates that all townships provide general assistance, a local welfare program. We currently administer this program for residents in 17 of the 19 townships in DeKalb County through intergovernmental agreements thanks to our two dedicated full-time caseworkers.
  • We have no outstanding debt or pension obligations.
  • We employ a small number of employees.
  • Many townships, including DeKalb, own and manage cemeteries that require a high level of care and specialized education to manage.
  • Townships typically account for about 2% or less of property tax bills statewide. Consolidation will not solve Illinois’ property tax challenges.
  • Township road districts maintain 780 miles of road in DeKalb County.
  • Townships provide vital services to some of the most vulnerable people in our communities at a time when those services are needed most.

I am not aware of any recent cost-analysis studies that illustrate consolidation could result in taxpayer savings. Any such studies would need to carefully evaluate the financial, operational and service delivery impacts before drawing conclusions."

Jim Luebke

Bio and priorities

Luebke, 64, represents District 9 on the DeKalb County Board, and also previously served as a DeKalb Township trustee from 2009 to 2013. If elected as supervisor, he said he’d prioritize outreach to area residents, ensure residents’ tax dollars are being used efficiently and increase transparency in the office.

How will you ensure township policies promote inclusion for all residents?

“I would use existing township resources to make the township website and forms available in more languages than English to better serve all of the residents of the township. Both in my face-to-face outreach and in the daily operations of the township, I would emphasize contact with traditionally underrepresented communities within the township. Together with the township trustees and other elected DeKalb Township officials, I would encourage collaboration with the other units of local government and community organizations to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have a voice in township policy.”

What is your stance on township consolidation as a means of reducing redundancy in local government?

“Local government consolidation is just one more attempt to reduce voters’ voice in local government. DeKalb Township performs vital services for the township residents, including property assessment, maintenance of township roads outside of the city of DeKalb, maintenance of township cemeteries, election polling place, human services grants, general and emergency assistance, the Committee on Youth, Township Officials of Illinois Scholarships, and employment assistance.

“All of these township services are performed for only around 1.3% of the average property tax bill. Services like these, having such an immediate impact on township residents, are best performed by a level of government as close as possible to the residents. Voters generally know and can readily reach out to their township elected officials. Any consolidation would only remove that immediate connection to the voters and add more burden on other levels of government less suited to the task at a higher portion of the property tax bill.”

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