DeKALB – The DeKalb Park District is looking to spruce up League of Women Voters Park, and DeKalb residents recently had a chance to weigh in.
At Thursday’s meeting, the Park District board was briefed on survey results and input from a public park meeting.
The survey was shared with the community from June 21 through July 5, and the in-person public park meeting was June 25 at League of Women Voters Park, 262 Cotton Ave. in DeKalb.
Maria Blood, principal landscape architect for Upland Design, heaped praise on the community for taking the time to provide input on the project.
“We got great feedback from the community,” Blood said.
The district has been working with the landscape architecture and planning firm Upland Design to get the project off the ground since May, officials said.
The district is looking to apply for Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Grant funding from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to pay for the park and playground improvements.
A similar process had been undertaken by the district to improve the Hopkins Park playground, which recently held a grand opening.
The district said it is necessary to upgrade the League of Women Voters Park playground because of its age. The playground is more than 15 years old, officials said.
Among the amenities included in the proposed concepts for the park are a half basketball court, rain garden and native plantings, a fitness loop and an expanded game area.
Current amenities at the park include a gazebo, playground, picnic tables and walking trail.
Blood pointed out how seamless the two proposed concepts for the park are.
“Everything kind of ties together accessibly,” Blood said.
Executive Director Paul Zepezauer said the district’s next step is to apply for grant assistance from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
“That submittal date is Sept. 13,” Zepezauer said. “Typically, those get awarded anywhere between January and probably June. Probably sometime in the spring of 2025 would be my best guess as to when they’ll award those.”