Getting their kicks on Route 66: Halfway to Los Angeles

Root 66 fliers
Brian and Patti Blumhorst and their Mustang convertible

Editor’s note: Patti and Brian Blumhorst of Mendota and Dave and Conda McFee of Channahon have embarked on a 2,500-mile trip traveling on Route 66, starting from its origin in Chicago all the way to Los Angeles. The Blumhorsts are driving in their 2005 Mustang convertible and the McFees bought a 2004 Chrysler Seibring for the trip. Patti is chronicling their trip for Shaw Media.

Day #6 - 285 miles. Some rain on and off. Made it to Amarillo between the raindrops, detours and some minor car issues. Went by Fort Reno, Okla. In Geary, Okla. saw the Gillespie Building from 1903, an original horse trough and the “Pony Bridge”, which was 4,000 feet long made of 38 pony trusses, 100 feet long each. This bridge was filmed in the Grapes of Wrath. Hydro, Okla. made a stop at Nuts ‘n More and stopped by Lucille’s Service Station. Lucille was consider the Mother of the Mother Road. Weathersford featured a unique trading post. In Canute saw the Cotton Boll and Washington Motels. Elk City featured the Parker Drilling Rig 114 which is the world’s largest, non operating rig. This rig was built in the 1960s in order to test-detonate atomic bombs underground. In Erick, Okla. we came upon the Sandhills Curiosity Shop and found two guys singing in the store. They were very entertaining.

Unfortunately, Dave and Conda had a little hiccup with the top on their convertible at the Texas border, but thankfully engineer Dave fixed the problem in no time. Shamrock, Texas features the Tower Station and U- Drop Inn Cafe - the first commercial business in Shamrock and first Cafe within 100 miles. Elvis Presley made a stop here. McLean featured the 1929 Phillips petroleum Station, the first in Texas, the Devil’s Rope Museum (barb wire - invented in DeKalb), and an old bra factory. Groom is known for the Wheeler- Evans Grain Elevator, leaned Water Tower and Giant Cross, while Conway is famous for the VW Slug Bug ranch. Completed the day with an amazing steak dinner at the Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo where we are staying for the night. We are halfway there 1,375.8 miles. We hope you are enjoying our travels. We are having an absolutely wonderful time.