Lawmakers heard the concerns and put the $50 million in the fiscal 2025 budget. Crisis averted, right?
Neville further said "consistency between the two laws is essential" for both marijuana users and police, thereby giving lawmakers a path and the motivation to follow.
'It’s not punishment for the individual who committed the crime. It’s to protect all of our kids and to ensure that the people who committed the crimes get the help that they need.'
Congressional Republicans have resisted federal legislation to outlaw partisan political maps. Illinois Democrats create deeply red districts and dilute the voting power of their own constituents.
Law firms certainly don’t go broke doing this business. Property tax lawyers go to the mat for private clients against Chicago City Hall and taxing bodies across the state.
In politics, desert has become a useful noun, while adjectives help tell the story.
Titled “2024 Illinois’ National Rankings,” the 70-page document compares our state to the rest of the country in 23 categories covering tax rates and revenues, government spending and employment trends.
These aren’t forfeitures of items used in alleged crimes – an issue with its own tangled past – which means state police aren’t informed. Lawyers and judges presume the deals are on the level.
It’s important for regular folks and elected officials to have a working knowledge in order to participate in meaningful discussions about solutions.
Ambiguity might decrease if lawmakers were more explicitly prescriptive when establishing policy, but that’s often politically unpleasant compared to taking credit for at least passing something and then waiting it out for years while jurists finalize checks and balances.
'For transit to be useful, it has to be within walking distance of the places people are actually going. And the destinations where people are actually going are not in the middle of the freeway.'
Rather than cover the expected funding gap, the RTA said doing things right actually would cost twice as much: $1.5 billion. Further, the report calls for "a strengthened RTA to oversee region-wide minimum service standards."
If you’re not subscribed to your officials’ newsletters, do so now! I’m interested in hearing who has the best strategy and how we can improve communication for all.
'When people asked me for help, if possible, I tried to help them,' Madigan said last week, surprisingly testifying in his own defense.
The good news is the website randomizes the list of options with each visit. The bad news is everything else.