Thousands of years ago, before Body Language Experts deciphered the meanings behind our movements, Mudra Masters were focused on optimizing hand positions to enhance internal energy flow within the body.
When does the looking backward overpower the looking forward? Does it happen when some childhood prank is seared into memory and festers year after year?
How can we make this Thanksgiving extra special and create lasting memories as we choose what’s going on the table for this special day?
The Five Senses Game is an especially fun game to play with family and friends. Perhaps as an after dinner treat. It’s actually a meditative exercise because it calms the mind by getting one more acutely tuned into one’s senses.
It’s not unusual to have a mind in overdrive, yet it’s also vital for the mind to have opportunities to rest.
Well, I know of a place nearby where twinkles of magic happen on a daily basis. And also a place where a sanctuary of peace is readily available to soothe hectic souls.
There’s probably someone reading this now who thinks their thoughts are neatly arranged and properly fine-tuned, but for most of us they’re rather messy and about as clear as mud.
“In order to keep a true perspective of one’s importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him.” — Derek Bruce
Time and patience. I haven’t had much of either lately, so I’m taking a trip.
Recalling a poem written in 1895 by Rudyard Kipling called “If.”
On my scramble to the exit, I see a father carrying his 2-year old son passing one-by-one through the foul life-sized mess of horror and pressing buttons to hear each of their awful sadistic ramblings.
Music in all its many forms can be captivating as well as reflective of the changing seasons in our lives. It can help us get through the fun times or the tough times.
Take time to focus on the importance of mindful breathing.
It’s hard to be kind when in pain. Yet self-love is an important step in the process to healing.
Regularly unraveling and exploring this vital question of ‘who am I’ is the essence of a meditator’s journey.